Thankfully I was spared option number 3. A double whammy is no fun. However, they decided to bestow upon me their blessing of stuff breaking and needing to be repaired/replaced. And trust me, I think their timing was cruelly calculated. Our taxes are filed, Jacob and I planned how much we were going to put into savings and talked about the new purchases we were going to make. Like replacing our two box TVs. That's right, no flat screens in this house and it looks like we won't have one anytime soon. The tax money will go to repairs.
Number 2: Broken fixture. I'm sure it's something I could probably fix but I won't due to a past experience.
Number 3: stems to master bedroom faucets need to be replaced and can only be done by someone pulling out the toilet, sink vanity and cutting into walls. My husband tried to temporarily patch the problem so excuse the caulking:)
$$ to replace stems inside the wall $$
Number 4: the stems in the boys bathroom also need to be replaced which will require someone cutting into another wall.
$$ to replace the boys bathroom fixtures $$
Number 5: My cat wanted out real bad so she made her own exit.
$$ to replace 2nd window screen $$
Number 7: My cat wanted out again. So she made herself another exit through another window.
$$ to replace a 3rd window screen $$
Number 8: I'm almost done I promise. See that hole in the above picture, in the lower right corner? Yes, as I was taking this picture I heard a plastic plop sound. As I saw the dryer vent fall from the wall I couldn't help but get a mental picture of The Deployment Gods dropping a small cherry on this iced, crumbling piece of cake.
$$ to replace dryer vent $$
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